Israel's second largest city, Tel Aviv is Israel's undisputed economic and tech hub, ranking 25th in the Global Financial Centers Index. The Gush Dan metropolitan area, which is combined with surrounding cities, accounts for nearly half of the country's population (8% of the land). It is the most developed region in the Middle East and the most expensive city in the Middle East. Every day (except Sabbath) at Silicon Creek brings new tech and startups to life. In addition to IBM, Intel, Microsoft and other bigwigs, domestic BATs have also come to occupy positions in recent years. And of course the world's largest diamond trading center.

Tel Aviv is also the center of culture and art, with theaters and museums all over the place, film festivals and music festivals of all sizes, and occasional big-name musicians (Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Rolling Stone, Radiohead in memory) and gun flowers).

However, behind this bustling city, there are also construction sites. They are also scattered in every corner of the city. The hanging tower is the highest and most conspicuous existence on the construction site. Minghao's grille screen is installed in the city. On the hanging towers of various construction sites, the cloud control not only provides real-time information that needs to be notified on the construction site, but also allows the construction site to broadcast external information in real time, which plays an obvious advertising role on the construction site and around the construction site.

As a modern electronic media, LED grille screen has the characteristics of flexible display area, high brightness, long life, large capacity, digitization and real-time performance, and has become an important part of today's indoor and outdoor advertising media market. The LED grille screen has high brightness, bright colors, high cost performance and strong attractiveness, and is very suitable for large-scale outdoor advertising projects.

Grille screen in the city (real shot)